Dr. Megan Banker was featured in Outside Magazine!

Our very own, Dr. Megan, was featured in an outside magazine article this summer. The article focused on bringing attention to adventurous outdoor women who are plus-size and crushing stereotypes about what an outdoor body looks like. Featured along side Dr. Megan were four other women who are all making a name for themselves in the outdoors.

The author, Jenny Bruso, is the creator and mind behind Unlikely Hikers, an online community of underrepresented groups in the outdoor space. Jenny created an instagram presence and outlet for those who feel like “others” in the outdoors. She also hosts hikes in Portland, OR and around the United States.

About Dr. Megan, Jenny wrote “Sometimes, being a leader is incidental. You’re just doing what you love, but there are so few of us that it sort of happens anyway. Megan Banker is one of those people. She’s a climber and mountaineer who regularly posts pictures of herself atop massive mountains, like Mount Hood and Mount St. Helens, as if it’s just what people do on the weekends. That isn’t to say Banker doesn’t regularly get real about what it takes, even calling attention to flippant attitudes by climbing bros who act like there are “easy” ways to climb a mountain. It’s refreshing in this social media influencer age to see Banker just doing her.”

Check out the full article here: https://www.outsideonline.com/2399772/plus-size-adventurers-you-should-follow and be sure to follow the women who were highlighted on Instagram for more inspiration for outdoor adventures! You can find Dr. Megan Banker on Instagram @pdxoutdoorchiro and Verve Lifestyle Center @vervelifePDX

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